Latitude and longitude of Svay Rieng

🇰🇭 Cambodia (KH)

Svay Rieng (Cambodia) latitude longitude

Latitude 11.14272200
Longitude 105.82902980

What is the latitude and longitude code of Svay Rieng? The latitude of Svay Rieng, Cambodia is 11.14272200, and the longitude is 105.82902980. Svay Rieng is located at Cambodia country in the cities place category with the gps coordinates of 11° 8' 33.799'' N and 105° 49' 44.507 E. Geographic coordinates are a way of specifying the location of a place on Earth, using a pair of numbers to represent a latitude and longitude. These coordinates are used to indicate the position of a point on the surface of the Earth, with the latitude representing the distance north or south of the equator and the longitude representing the distance east or west of the prime meridian. By using these coordinates, it is possible to pinpoint the exact location of a place on the globe.

🧭   GPS coordinate of Svay Rieng, Cambodia

Coordinates SVAY RIENG
North 11° 8' 33.799" N
East 105° 49' 44.507" E

🗺️   UTM coordinate of Svay Rieng, Cambodia

UTM Zone 48P
UTM Northing 1234465.0566453
UTM Easting 918385.59853469

📍 Where is Svay Rieng, Cambodia on Map Lat Long Coordinates?

Svay Rieng, Cambodia Map
Region Asia
Subregion South-Eastern Asia
Country Cambodia
Type Province
Timezone Asia/Phnom_Penh
Abbreviation BMT (+07)
Districts of Svay Rieng ➞ Cambodia GEO Codes
District Distance Latitude Longitude
Srŏk Svay Chrŭm Latitude and Longitude 15 Km 11.11160000 105.69814000
Other Cities Latitude & Longitude Codes in Cambodia 🇰🇭
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Kandal Latitude and Longitude 77 Km 11.22373830 105.12589550
Kep Latitude and Longitude 174 Km 10.53608900 104.35591580
Pailin Latitude and Longitude 396 Km 12.90929620 102.66755750
Oddar Meanchey Latitude and Longitude 400 Km 14.16097380 103.82162610
Other Countries LatLong Codes
Country Distance Latitude Longitude
Japan Latitude and Longitude 4,251 Km 36 138
Montserrat Latitude and Longitude 16,645 Km 16.75 -62.2
Eritrea Latitude and Longitude 7,225 Km 15 39
South Georgia Latitude and Longitude 14,197 Km -54.5 -37
Bahamas Latitude and Longitude 16,074 Km 24.25 -76