Latitude and longitude of Rimavská Sobota

🇸🇰 Slovakia (SK)

Rimavská Sobota, Banská Bystrica Region (Slovakia) latitude longitude

Latitude 48.38284000
Longitude 20.02239000

What is the latitude and longitude code of Rimavská Sobota? The latitude of Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia is 48.38284000, and the longitude is 20.02239000. Rimavská Sobota is located at Slovakia country in the states place category with the gps coordinates of 48° 22' 58.224'' N and 20° 1' 20.604 E. Geographic coordinates are a way of specifying the location of a place on Earth, using a pair of numbers to represent a latitude and longitude. These coordinates are used to indicate the position of a point on the surface of the Earth, with the latitude representing the distance north or south of the equator and the longitude representing the distance east or west of the prime meridian. By using these coordinates, it is possible to pinpoint the exact location of a place on the globe.

🧭   GPS coordinate of Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia

North 48° 22' 58.224" N
East 20° 1' 20.604" E

🗺️   UTM coordinate of Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia

UTM Zone 34U
UTM Northing 5360828.7775824
UTM Easting 649738.02527111

📍 Where is Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia on Map Lat Long Coordinates?

Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia Map
Region Europe
Subregion Eastern Europe
Country Slovakia
State Banská Bystrica Region
Timezone Europe/Bratislava
Abbreviation CEST (CET)
Locations near Rimavská Sobota ➞ Banská Bystrica Region ➞ Slovakia GEO Codes
City Distance Latitude Longitude
Veľký Krtíš Latitude and Longitude 53 Km 48.21059000 19.35043000
Okres Banská Štiavnica Latitude and Longitude 83 Km 48.44961000 18.90820000
Banská Bystrica Latitude and Longitude 75 Km 48.73946000 19.15349000
Okres Lučenec Latitude and Longitude 27 Km 48.33333000 19.66667000
Revúca Latitude and Longitude 34 Km 48.68346000 20.11734000
Okres Brezno Latitude and Longitude 51 Km 48.80000000 19.75000000
Tisovec Latitude and Longitude 33 Km 48.67738000 19.94364000
Čierny Balog Latitude and Longitude 49 Km 48.74722000 19.65125000
Dudince Latitude and Longitude 87 Km 48.17135000 18.88782000
Hrochoť,Slovakia Latitude and Longitude 60 Km 48.65567000 19.31284000
Other States Latitude & Longitude Codes in Slovakia 🇸🇰
State Distance Latitude Longitude
Trenčín Region Latitude and Longitude 140 Km 48.80867580 18.23240260
Žilina Region Latitude and Longitude 103 Km 49.20314350 19.36457330
Prešov Region Latitude and Longitude 132 Km 49.17167730 21.37420010
Nitra Region Latitude and Longitude 117 Km 48.01437650 18.54165040
Košice Region Latitude and Longitude 83 Km 48.63757370 21.08342250
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