Latitude and longitude of Gotland County

🇸🇪 Sweden (SE)

Gotland County (Sweden) latitude longitude

Latitude 57.46841210
Longitude 18.48674470

What is the latitude and longitude code of Gotland County? The latitude of Gotland County, Sweden is 57.46841210, and the longitude is 18.48674470. Gotland County is located at Sweden country in the states place category with the gps coordinates of 57° 28' 6.284'' N and 18° 29' 12.281 E. Geographic coordinates are a way of specifying the location of a place on Earth, using a pair of numbers to represent a latitude and longitude. These coordinates are used to indicate the position of a point on the surface of the Earth, with the latitude representing the distance north or south of the equator and the longitude representing the distance east or west of the prime meridian. By using these coordinates, it is possible to pinpoint the exact location of a place on the globe.

🧭   GPS coordinate of Gotland County, Sweden

North 57° 28' 6.284" N
East 18° 29' 12.281" E

🗺️   UTM coordinate of Gotland County, Sweden

UTM Zone 34V
UTM Northing 6369633.8863341
UTM Easting 529196.06787685

📍 Where is Gotland County, Sweden on Map Lat Long Coordinates?

Gotland County, Sweden Map
Region Europe
Subregion Northern Europe
Country Sweden
Type N/A
Timezone Europe/Stockholm
Abbreviation CET (CET)
Cities of Gotland County ➞ Sweden GEO Codes
City Distance Latitude Longitude
Gotland Latitude and Longitude 4 Km 57.50000000 18.50000000
Hemse Latitude and Longitude 27 Km 57.23788000 18.37443000
Klintehamn Latitude and Longitude 19 Km 57.38667000 18.20371000
Vibble Latitude and Longitude 20 Km 57.60452000 18.25601000
Visby Latitude and Longitude 22 Km 57.64089000 18.29602000
Other States Latitude & Longitude Codes in Sweden 🇸🇪
State Distance Latitude Longitude
Halland County Latitude and Longitude 348 Km 56.89668050 12.80339930
Västernorrland County Latitude and Longitude 664 Km 63.42764730 17.72924440
Kalmar County Latitude and Longitude 140 Km 57.23501560 16.18493490
Blekinge Latitude and Longitude 249 Km 56.27838370 15.01800580
Östergötland County Latitude and Longitude 201 Km 58.34536350 15.51978440
Other Countries LatLong Codes
Country Distance Latitude Longitude
United Kingdom Latitude and Longitude 1,333 Km 54 -2
North Korea Latitude and Longitude 7,308 Km 40 127
Christmas Island Latitude and Longitude 10,822 Km -10.5 105.66666666
Panama Latitude and Longitude 9,666 Km 9 -80
Slovenia Latitude and Longitude 1,287 Km 46.11666666 14.81666666