Latitude and longitude of Cerro Largo Department

🇺🇾 Uruguay (UY)

Cerro Largo Department (Uruguay) latitude longitude

Latitude -32.44110320
Longitude -54.35217530

What is the latitude and longitude code of Cerro Largo Department? The latitude of Cerro Largo Department, Uruguay is -32.44110320, and the longitude is -54.35217530. Cerro Largo Department is located at Uruguay country in the states place category with the gps coordinates of -32° 26' 27.972'' N and -54° 21' 7.831 E. Geographic coordinates are a way of specifying the location of a place on Earth, using a pair of numbers to represent a latitude and longitude. These coordinates are used to indicate the position of a point on the surface of the Earth, with the latitude representing the distance north or south of the equator and the longitude representing the distance east or west of the prime meridian. By using these coordinates, it is possible to pinpoint the exact location of a place on the globe.

🧭   GPS coordinate of Cerro Largo Department, Uruguay

North -32° 26' 27.972" N
East -54° 21' 7.831" E

🗺️   UTM coordinate of Cerro Largo Department, Uruguay

UTM Zone 21H
UTM Northing 6396595.6619537
UTM Easting 1031264.9011323

📍 Where is Cerro Largo Department, Uruguay on Map Lat Long Coordinates?

Cerro Largo Department, Uruguay Map
Region Americas
Subregion South America
Country Uruguay
Type N/A
Timezone America/Montevideo
Abbreviation UYT (-03)
Cities of Cerro Largo Department ➞ Uruguay GEO Codes
City Distance Latitude Longitude
Aceguá Latitude and Longitude 66 Km -31.87178000 -54.16351000
Isidoro Noblía Latitude and Longitude 57 Km -31.96218000 -54.12309000
Melo Latitude and Longitude 19 Km -32.37028000 -54.16750000
Río Branco Latitude and Longitude 92 Km -32.59802000 -53.38583000
Tupambaé Latitude and Longitude 58 Km -32.83333000 -54.76667000
Other States Latitude & Longitude Codes in Uruguay 🇺🇾
State Distance Latitude Longitude
Río Negro Department Latitude and Longitude 291 Km -32.76763560 -57.42952070
Montevideo Department Latitude and Longitude 316 Km -34.81815870 -56.21382560
Flores Department Latitude and Longitude 268 Km -33.57337530 -56.89450280
Treinta y Tres Department Latitude and Longitude 70 Km -33.06850860 -54.28586270
Lavalleja Department Latitude and Longitude 175 Km -33.92261750 -54.97657940
Other Countries LatLong Codes
Country Distance Latitude Longitude
Canada Latitude and Longitude 10,930 Km 60 -95
Brazil Latitude and Longitude 2,496 Km -10 -55
Japan Latitude and Longitude 18,813 Km 36 138
Italy Latitude and Longitude 10,804 Km 42.83333333 12.83333333
Oman Latitude and Longitude 13,190 Km 21 57