Latitude and longitude of San José Department

🇺🇾 Uruguay (UY)

San José Department (Uruguay) latitude longitude

Latitude 37.34929680
Longitude -121.90560490

What is the latitude and longitude code of San José Department? The latitude of San José Department, Uruguay is 37.34929680, and the longitude is -121.90560490. San José Department is located at Uruguay country in the states place category with the gps coordinates of 37° 20' 57.468'' N and -121° 54' 20.178 E. Geographic coordinates are a way of specifying the location of a place on Earth, using a pair of numbers to represent a latitude and longitude. These coordinates are used to indicate the position of a point on the surface of the Earth, with the latitude representing the distance north or south of the equator and the longitude representing the distance east or west of the prime meridian. By using these coordinates, it is possible to pinpoint the exact location of a place on the globe.

🧭   GPS coordinate of San José Department, Uruguay

North 37° 20' 57.468" N
East -121° 54' 20.178" E

🗺️   UTM coordinate of San José Department, Uruguay

UTM Zone 10S
UTM Northing 4141492.1611261
UTM Easting 862712.07945162

📍 Where is San José Department, Uruguay on Map Lat Long Coordinates?

San José Department, Uruguay Map
Region Americas
Subregion South America
Country Uruguay
Type N/A
Timezone America/Los_Angeles
Abbreviation PDT (PST)
Cities of San José Department ➞ Uruguay GEO Codes
City Distance Latitude Longitude
Delta del Tigre Latitude and Longitude 10489 Km -34.76488000 -56.36450000
Ecilda Paullier Latitude and Longitude 10412 Km -34.35778000 -57.04883000
Libertad Latitude and Longitude 10462 Km -34.63459000 -56.61739000
Puntas de Valdéz Latitude and Longitude 10453 Km -34.58550000 -56.70097000
Rafael Perazza Latitude and Longitude 10442 Km -34.52335000 -56.79710000
Rodríguez Latitude and Longitude 10448 Km -34.38100000 -56.53797000
San José de Mayo Latitude and Longitude 10433 Km -34.33750000 -56.71361000
Other States Latitude & Longitude Codes in Uruguay 🇺🇾
State Distance Latitude Longitude
Durazno Department Latitude and Longitude 10,378 Km -33.02324540 -56.02846440
Maldonado Department Latitude and Longitude 10,573 Km -34.55979320 -54.86285520
Tacuarembó Department Latitude and Longitude 10,282 Km -31.72068370 -55.98598870
Canelones Department Latitude and Longitude 10,501 Km -34.54087170 -55.93076000
Rocha Department Latitude and Longitude 10,586 Km -33.96900810 -54.02148500
Other Countries LatLong Codes
Country Distance Latitude Longitude
Virgin Islands British Latitude and Longitude 5,912 Km 18.431383 -64.62305
New Caledonia Latitude and Longitude 10,014 Km -21.5 165.5
Turkey Latitude and Longitude 11,202 Km 39 35
Dominican Republic Latitude and Longitude 5,346 Km 19 -70.66666666
Bulgaria Latitude and Longitude 10,475 Km 43 25