Latitude and longitude of Maldonado Department
🇺🇾 Uruguay (UY)Maldonado Department (Uruguay) latitude longitude
What is the latitude and longitude code of Maldonado Department? The latitude of Maldonado Department, Uruguay is -34.55979320, and the longitude is -54.86285520. Maldonado Department is located at Uruguay country in the states place category with the gps coordinates of -34° 33' 35.256'' N and -54° 51' 46.279 E. Geographic coordinates are a way of specifying the location of a place on Earth, using a pair of numbers to represent a latitude and longitude. These coordinates are used to indicate the position of a point on the surface of the Earth, with the latitude representing the distance north or south of the equator and the longitude representing the distance east or west of the prime meridian. By using these coordinates, it is possible to pinpoint the exact location of a place on the globe.
🧭 GPS coordinate of Maldonado Department, Uruguay
🗺️ UTM coordinate of Maldonado Department, Uruguay
📍 Where is Maldonado Department, Uruguay on Map Lat Long Coordinates?
Region | Americas |
Subregion | South America |
Country | Uruguay |
Type | N/A |
Timezone | America/Montevideo |
Abbreviation | UYT (-03) |
UTC/GMT | UTC-03:00 |
City | Distance | Latitude | Longitude |
Aiguá Latitude and Longitude | 41 Km | -34.20498000 | -54.75665000 |
Maldonado Latitude and Longitude | 39 Km | -34.90000000 | -54.95000000 |
Pan de Azúcar Latitude and Longitude | 42 Km | -34.77870000 | -55.23582000 |
Piriápolis Latitude and Longitude | 51 Km | -34.86287000 | -55.27471000 |
Punta del Este Latitude and Longitude | 44 Km | -34.94747000 | -54.93382000 |
San Carlos Latitude and Longitude | 26 Km | -34.79123000 | -54.91824000 |
State | Distance | Latitude | Longitude |
Montevideo Department Latitude and Longitude | 127 Km | -34.81815870 | -56.21382560 |
Florida Department Latitude and Longitude | 7,540 Km | 28.03594950 | -82.45792890 |
Treinta y Tres Department Latitude and Longitude | 174 Km | -33.06850860 | -54.28586270 |
Paysandú Department Latitude and Longitude | 360 Km | -32.06673660 | -57.33647890 |
Colonia Department Latitude and Longitude | 261 Km | -34.12946780 | -57.66051840 |
Country | Distance | Latitude | Longitude |
Chile Latitude and Longitude | 1,597 Km | -30 | -71 |
Guernsey and Alderney Latitude and Longitude | 10,669 Km | 49.46666666 | -2.58333333 |
North Korea Latitude and Longitude | 19,387 Km | 40 | 127 |
Eritrea Latitude and Longitude | 11,293 Km | 15 | 39 |
Virgin Islands British Latitude and Longitude | 5,982 Km | 18.431383 | -64.62305 |